앞서 테이골프패션 기사를 통해 소개해드린 고급 골프웨어 브랜드 펠트(Felt)가 겨울 FW 새로운 룩북을 출시했습니다.
펠트(Felt) 브랜드는 유타(Utah), 지프(Jeep) 브랜드의 성공을 입증한 디자이너 김성민의 두 번째 골프웨어 브랜드로, 고딕적인 디자인을 모티브로 하고 있다.
헤리티지와 미래주의를 절묘하게 믹스한 하이브리드 브랜드 입니다~_~!
이미 골퍼들 사이에서는 유명한 골프웨어 브랜드라 자세한 설명은 필요 없을 수도 있겠네요. ㅎㅎ 모르시는 분들을 위해 간략하게 설명드렸지만, 오늘은 인플루언서들의 의상을 보면서 PELT 겨울 골프웨어 룩북을 보여드릴게요. PELT 펠트 여성 골프웨어 룩북 겨울 추천 신상품 확인해보세요
이제 펠트 브랜드의 가장 큰 특징은 기하학적이고 독특한 아트워크라고 생각합니다.
중세풍의 폰트인 블랙레터와 고딕 디자인을 모티브로 절묘하게 혼합한 것이 놀랍습니다.
이번 펠트 FW 룩북에서 눈길을 끌었는데, 룩북 영상도 있어요. 그것을 보는 것이 좋을 것입니다.
펠트 골프 니트 믹스 패딩 아노락
9010 구스다운이 함유되어 따뜻하게 착용하실 수 있는 아노락 디자인의 니트 패딩입니다.
우븐 소재와 니트가 혼합된 소재라 가볍고 따뜻하지만, 전혀 패딩 같지 않은 디자인이 가장 큰 특징이에요!
디자인과 따뜻함을 동시에 원하시는 분들께 추천드립니다.
갖고싶은 패딩 아노락이에요 ㅎㅎ 골프웨어이지만 일상생활에서도 잘 입을 수 있는 클래식한 디자인입니다.
패딩스커트와 함께 코디하시면 따뜻한 겨울 골프라운드가 될 것입니다.
펠트 고딕 엠블럼 플리스 다운 베스트 올 겨울 신제품을 살펴보니 소재가 적절하게 활용된 것 같아요. 믹스된 디자인도 예쁜 것 같아요. 이번 패딩조끼 역시 패딩과 후리스를 섞은 디자인이라 평소에 보던 패딩조끼와는 또 다른 새로운 느낌이더라구요!
매일 똑같은 패딩만 보는데 이런 믹스매치 제품을 보니 참 상쾌하네요. 소매 없음 베스트 디자인은 안에 무엇을 입느냐에 따라 느낌이 달라지기 때문에 활용도가 높은 포인트 아이템입니다 >.< As expected, it is a 9010 goose down product, so an item I would recommend for women’s golf wear to those who can wear it warmly and stylishly!
Felt Silver Stone Quilted Knit Down This is a knitted down jumper with the signature Gothic letter embroidery. The silver stone multi-pocket detail is the highlight. This is a padded jumper with a mix of thick premium knit material. The slim-fitting silhouette is paired with a pleated skirt that falls to the A-line. I think it goes well with it haha. This padding is women's golf wear that I would recommend to those who usually wear pleated skirts ~_~ !
PELT Baffle Logo Fleece Vest Felt Golf Brand's signature logo is included as an artwork embroidery point, so you can fully feel the brand's heritage. It is a gothic fleece vest product. The gothic emblem line at the bottom of the back has a strong contrast, so it stands out very well, and I think it goes well with the logo embroidery on the front. The skirt and bag are also the same. I matched it with a product with a logo design... It's amazing that even though the designs all have logos on the front, they go well together without being messy, and I feel like I can feel the brand's sensibility haha Felt Dual Gothic Letter Knit Down Jumper It's the quilted knit down jumper shown above. It is similar, but the design features the signature Gothic letter as a large accent on the front. The thick premium knit material and sleeve pocket details are also accented. Since it is a product mixed with knit, the slim fit is pretty, right? Down to the A-line. It also goes well with the pleated skirt that comes with it. These knit padded products are women's golf wear that I would like to recommend to female golfers who often wear pleated skirts. There are two designs, so you can choose the one you like more and wear it. Stick-P Mild Alpaca Half Zip-Up Knit Pullover This is an alpaca knit with a warm feel with a zipper. The color is really amazing ~_~ hahaha It's a knit that can be worn not only for rounding but also daily wear. It's smooth with a windproof lining that blocks the wind. It is said to be winter golf wear that is comfortable to wear and has reliable thermal insulation. Felt Stick-P It is an alpaca knit made of the same material as mild alpaca knit, but there is also a design without a zipper!
Instead of a zipper, it is a design with a much larger felt logo on the front. Pink. I personally like the color >.
It would be a good idea to choose the skirt or pants depending on your preference. In addition, if you look at this felt FW, you can see several designs like this with gold embroidery on the bottom of the skirt. It is similar to the padded skirt shown above, only the color of the embroidery points is different, but it reminds me of a hanbok skirt >.